Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Values of Our Times

Today we all are talking about how it is important to looks at the “values” that rule our lives. In political, economical, and social terms how we perceive “value” determines how we act. So the common statement that we must do something because of our “values” is mostly an understatement of our reality. In most cases the idea of basing our actions on some predetermined values has lead to erroneous outcomes, in some cases even dangerously close to a disaster. The book written by Jimmy Carter (2005) “Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis” Simon & Schuster Publishers, ISBN: 978 0 7432 8457 8 is a very good account of present dilemma regarding how we are dealing with true values, especially he refers to Christian moral values such as taking care of the poor. Throughout a profound analysis of past and present policies of the American Government together with a knowledgeable account of monetary investments in various sectors President Carter is cautioning us to be aware of the direction in which out country is moving. In general moving generally away from our cherished Christian moral values. This is for sure a must read for those of us who are looking for a clarification of the meaning of being a true Christian…a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I have found a very beautiful website by Ralph S Marston Jr. The URL is:[2].htm If are thinking about the future, if the future is bugging you, have a look at this website.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Time for Truth ----- Time for Reality

In the book edited by Joseph Neeham in 1955 "Science, Religion, and Reality" published by Braziller, New York you'll find a good set of questions that relate to today's news. The book is a balanced exposure of ideas based on Blaise Pascal quote "Two extravagances: to exclude Reason, to admit only Reason."
George Sarton in his introductory essay questions who should be asked about reality. Who is competent to appreciate the validity and soundness of an astronomical book? Are the editors of Harper's, or Reader's Digest, or the people who have devoted their whole life to the study of astronomy?
Are physicists the ones to define the physical world? Who will help us understand the spiritual world? Would it have to be spirits? This is the difference between truth and rightness. When one moves outside the physical world into the metaphysical one the possibility of encountering "paradox" is created. Paradoxes are not irreal nor unreal, but are they real? Today we use perception as a measure of reality, polling after polling is used to state that the reality of the situation is what is perceived. As I think Einstein said Objectivity is the common denominator of subjectivity, probably mocking off those who self proclaim being in the "objective" side and using the "matter of fact" ing of their position to sustain an unsustainable proposition.